Technology & brain health

Collection Editors

Joaquin Anguera, Kevin Jones, Elizabeth Johnson, Theodore Zanto



Submission Deadline



About this collection

Keeping our brains healthy is vital to maintaining independence as we age and can improve our performance on school, sports, and all the activities we enjoy. The need to improve brain health has led to a new wave of technologies aimed at problems in neuroscience. A few examples of this can be seen in how scientists use virtual reality in research, apply electricity to the brain to improve brain health, and use video games to improve our memory. Understanding how the brain communicates and how disease and injury disrupt this communication is important for guiding future medical and research interventions.

In this special topic, we will learn about how new technologies are being applied to classical neuroscience problems such as improving our memory and attention as we age, or learning new skills like languages and music. Here, readers will learn how science can be moved out of the laboratory with the use of technologies you likely use on a daily basis. As science and technology continue to advance and work together, new medical breakthroughs will improve our brain health and lead to longer, healthier lives.

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