
What are the benefits of sponsoring us?

Empowering young minds to think like scientists

Frontiers for Young Minds enables young audiences to actively engage with the scientific process, connecting them with leaders of the scientific community and challenging them to ask questions about ideas still at the cutting edge of science. By involving Young Minds in the process of scientific review, we help them develop their ability to think critically about science and communicate the latest research to their peers.

Fostering collaboration and creating connections in science

Few 8-15 year olds have the opportunity to interact with scientists, and even fewer are ever asked to provide feedback on the work of a recognized expert. The Frontiers for Young Minds platform enables students to find out first-hand what it is to be a scientist, and how to work as part of a collaborative process towards a common goal.

Creating reliable resources for the public

Frontiers for Young Minds builds a bridge to more directly connect scientists with the public. All articles are written by the researchers themselves and are written in a form that can be understood and used by the broadest of audiences. This provides young minds, educators, and the general public with a reliable go-to source on the latest advances in science.

Sponsorship opportunities

Frontiers for Young Minds is supported by the Jacobs Foundation, one of the world’s leading charitable foundations dedicated to facilitating innovations for children and youth. In 2017, a partnership with the Patrick & Lina Drahi Foundation was formed to bring articles on cutting-edge science to children in new languages, starting with a Jerusalem-based pilot project for Hebrew-speaking kids. We are looking for other like-minded organizations deeply committed to STEM education and the communication of science to broader audiences.

As a non-profit project, free for readers and free for authors, Frontiers for Young Minds’ success depends on the investment and partnership of sponsors and funders.

This support can take the shape of per-article support for specific sections or subject areas as well as funding for the broader functions of the project overall.

By supporting us you benefit not only from increased exposure within the scientific community but also get the chance to support and inspire science education both within and outside the classroom.

Position yourself next to the wave of new scientists and support innovation in education with Frontiers for Young Minds!

Editorial partners

Participants with Frontiers for Young Minds share its commitment to creating a freely available and high-quality resource of cutting-edge research specifically for younger audiences. Participating Organizations can directly recommend accepted or published articles from their journals to be written as Young Minds versions through the FYM Portal. We will link directly back to original publisher articles from Young Minds versions and thank our partners on the FYM Sponsors and Partners page.

If your journal, publisher, or research society would be interested in learning more about our Editorial Collaborations, please contact us at kids@frontiersin.org

Global projects & Translating partners

We would like to thank the following organizations on their efforts in working with us to provide a multilingual and international journal, accessible to all.

Other languages will be available on our website very soon!