Behind a great medical drug there is always a great scientist!

Collection Editors

Fulvio D'Acquisto, Pasquale Maffia



Participating Sections

Submission Deadline


About this collection

Medical drugs are more than just compressed powder or bitter syrups. They are life saviour and one of the best rewards of a career in research. Did you know that behind any drugs there are amazing stories and incredible adventures of inspiring people that have dedicated their life to it?

In this collection, we will be looking at what does it take to discover a medical drug while exploring the life and journey of many scientists (and not) that have played a fundamental role in their creation. From the use of opium (a plant latex containing morphine) by the Sumerians in 5000 B.C. to the discovery of receptors (molecules that bind drugs) through colouring of biological tissues (Paul Ehrlich, 1872) and the contribution of Saint Aspren to the discovery of Aspirin, we will show you how fun, challenging and surprising the world of research is.

The articles of this collection will provide you with a very short biography of the most famous Inventors of today’s medical drugs. We hope these life-experiences will inspire you to take a further dive in drug research in the future. But we also hope that this will make you realise how many people and how much work is involved to help us enjoy life to the full.

Would you like to submit to this collection?

For researchers interested in submitting to this Collection, please consult our author guidelines and check that you have all the essentials included before submitting