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Collection Editors

Axel Cleeremans, Changiz Mohiyeddini, Livio Provenzi, Sara Palermo



Participating Sections

Submission Deadline



About this collection

Psychology and the neurosciences attempt to understand who we are, what makes us us. At its core, this involves explaining how the biological activity of the brain produces mind — our mental states and everything that we feel. But we also need to address questions such as how our mind develops, how we interact with other people, how we perceive the world around us, how we make decisions — in short, how does our mind work?

The core goal of this collection is to offer a set of articles highlighting some of the central concepts and empirical findings in the broad domains of psychology and human neuroscience. Many of these findings are surprising in different ways and hence of inherent interest to the wider public, and in particular to an audience of kids who are at an age where one tries to understand oneself.

The collection will involve contributions from different Frontiers in Psychology SCEs and will include a variety of approaches and of domains, such as:
• Perception: Core findings, but also biases, illusions and other surprising phenomena
• Consciousness: How come we are aware of ourselves? What can we do unconsciously?
• Emotion: What role do they play in decision-making? How can we control them?
• Language: How come we learn to speak without instruction? Is it good to be bilingual?
• Gender: How do our sexual preferences and identity develop?
• Development: What changes as we grow up? Can kids sometimes be better than adults?
• Memory: How is our memory organized? How do we make it better?
• The brain: How does the brain work? What can go wrong?
• Culture: Do people in different cultures see the world differently?
Manuscripts will preferentially include experimental findings put in the context of core theoretical constructs.

Would you like to submit to this collection?

For researchers interested in submitting to this Collection, please consult our author guidelines and check that you have all the essentials included before submitting