Young Minds
Frontiers for Young Minds has articles that are written by scientific experts, but they are always reviewed by young people to make sure that they are clear and easy to understand.

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Get involved as a reviewer
Every Frontiers for Young Minds article has to pass the judgement of our Young Reviewers before it can go online.
These reviewers are between the ages of 8-15 and work with a Science Mentor to provide feedback to authors that will make articles as clear and interesting as possible before being published and made available online.
Sign up form
If you have a Science Mentor available to work with you to peer review a Frontiers for Young Minds article, please ask your Mentor to apply using the sign up form.
If you have questions on how to find a Science Mentor, please contact us at and we can provide you with more information.
Tools and Materials
Want to learn about peer review? Are you or your class one of our young reviewers? Download the guidelines for some tips!